2024 ACF Fall at North Carolina

Round 9: Tusculum A vs. Virginia Tech A

Tusculum A


Malachi Ledford0235
2 bonuses for 20 points (10 PPB)

Virginia Tech A


Antonio LaNave03030
Orion Keller0100100
Nathan Sprouse03030
Ilyas Choukri02115
18 bonuses for 400 points (22.22 PPB)

Malachi LedfordBonusesTotalTUAntonio LaNaveOrion KellerNathan SprouseIlyas ChoukriBonusesTotal
0110 701001030
-5 45-5210 103010050
-5310 611010080
-5410 58101010120
-5 74-10510 11301010150
-10610 7210100180
-10710 6210010210
10 1080100108-5 37205
10910 10610100235
101010 610010255
101110 26101010295
101210 7710100325
101310 76101010365
-5 8851410 115101010405
51510 1701010435
51610 690100455
51710 58101010495
51810 48101010535
51910 68101010575
10 7710002520575
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text