2024 ACF Fall at North Carolina

Round 9: Duke A vs. Liberty A

Liberty A


Nathan Redford001-5
Caleb Hines03030
Aidan Jones001-5
Josh Schmidt0120120
15 bonuses for 300 points (20 PPB)

Duke A


Andrea Owusu02115
Jessica Pham0115
Koji Bilbao02115
5 bonuses for 40 points (8 PPB)

Nathan RedfordCaleb HinesAidan JonesJosh SchmidtBonusesTotalTUAndrea OwusuJessica PhamKoji BilbaoBonusesTotal
10 611010104010
10 751010108020
80310 84010020
10 9510100110420
10 6301010140520
10 990100160620
10 661000180720
180810 8800030
-5 78175910 117010050
10 41010102051050
10 920101023511-5 4545
-5 562301210 115001065
10 7300102501365
10 991010102901465
10 9310101033015-5 9260
10 74101003601660
3601710 103100080
10 59100103901880
10 7710004101980
10 971010044020-5 9575
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text