2024 ACF Fall at North Carolina

Round 6: Virginia Tech A vs. William & Mary A

William & Mary A


Allison Cox0000
Jacob Schildkraut0000
Samuel Li02115
Derek Aldridge01010
Meredie Cohen01010
4 bonuses for 60 points (15 PPB)

Virginia Tech A


Orion Keller09185
Ilyas Choukri04040
Nathan Sprouse01010
Antonio LaNave02020
16 bonuses for 330 points (20.63 PPB)

Allison CoxJacob SchildkrautSamuel LiDerek AldridgeMeredie CohenBonusesTotalTUOrion KellerIlyas ChoukriNathan SprouseAntonio LaNaveBonusesTotal
0110 71010020
0210 2410101060
0310 83101010100
0410 4110100130
0510 670010150
-5 18-5610 114101010190
-5710 2201010220
10 4500058220
5910 2010010250
51010 4210010280
51110 79101010320
51210 8410010350
51310 5601010380
51410 5110010410
10 29100103515410
10 87101006516-5 57405
651710 4010010435
651810 481000455
10 87100109519455
952010 3910100485
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text