2024 ACF Fall at North Carolina

Round 5: Appalachian State A vs. Duke B

Duke B


Ethan Rehder02020
Albert Li013-5
Michael Li013-5
4 bonuses for 60 points (15 PPB)

Appalachian State A


Cameron Williams0121115
Laura Jones03030
Henry Kindler0000
15 bonuses for 250 points (16.67 PPB)

Ethan RehderAlbert LiMichael LiBonusesTotalTUCameron WilliamsLaura JonesHenry KindlerBonusesTotal
-5 94-5110 103100020
-5 42-1020 10620
-10310 1100101050
-10410 791010080
-10510 7410100110
10 10901010206110
-5 3115710 1170100130
15810 1021000150
-5 4910910 102000160
10 10800103010-5 54155
301110 641000175
-5 75251210 10110010205
251310 118101010245
251410 610010265
251510 6510010295
-5 92201610 11710010325
201710 10710010355
10 36010105018355
501910 49101010395
10 5601007020395
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text