2024 ACF Fall at North Carolina

Round 2: Liberty A vs. Virginia Tech A

Liberty A


Josh Schmidt03030
Aidan Jones02115
Caleb Hines0000
Nathan Redford01010
6 bonuses for 100 points (16.67 PPB)

Virginia Tech A


Antonio LaNave02115
Orion Keller08080
Nathan Sprouse02020
Ilyas Choukri02020
14 bonuses for 310 points (22.14 PPB)

Josh SchmidtAidan JonesCaleb HinesNathan RedfordBonusesTotalTUAntonio LaNaveOrion KellerNathan SprouseIlyas ChoukriBonusesTotal
10 7910002010
10 221010106020
60310 690101030
60410 9210101070
60510 5610100100
10 371000806100
80710 2910100130
80810 40101010170
80910 40101010210
10 87010010010-5 58205
10 290101013011205
10 81010016012205
1601310 321000225
1601410 341000245
1601510 47101010285
1601610 60101010325
-5 631551710 1020100345
1551810 95101010385
1551910 4510100415
1552010 8301010445
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text