2024 ACF Fall at Illinois

Round 8: Chicago A vs. Iowa A

Iowa A


Anwitha Vempati1010
Brielle Rach6060
Grace Early1010
8 bonuses for 140 points (17.5 PPB)

Chicago A


Sam Konkel235
William Foster4040
Benny Feldman3030
Ezra Santos3125
12 bonuses for 260 points (21.67 PPB)

Anwitha VempatiBrielle RachGrace EarlyBonusesTotalTUSam KonkelWilliam FosterBenny FeldmanEzra SantosBonusesTotal
0110 7510101040
10 1050100202-5 5635
10 8110101060335
60410 141010065
60510 1010101095
60610 6501010125
10 5310010907125
90810 5001010155
90910 7610100185
901010 47101010225
901110 2501010255
10 116100011012-5 72250
10 1000101014013250
1401410 1060100270
1401510 8501010300
10 114010016016-5 53295
1601710 18101010335
10 1171001019018-5 69330
1901910 4810100360
10 621010022020360
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text