2024 ACF Fall at Illinois

Round 3: Notre Dame B vs. WUSTL A



Conner Yamnitz6060
Rohan Krishnamoorthi1010
Sebastian Pujet4040
11 bonuses for 190 points (17.27 PPB)

Notre Dame B


Veronica Freund2020
Kennedy Gallaher115
Noah McRedmond6250
Patrick Boyle000
9 bonuses for 180 points (20 PPB)

Conner YamnitzRohan KrishnamoorthiSebastian PujetBonusesTotalTUVeronica FreundKennedy GallaherNoah McRedmondPatrick BoyleBonusesTotal
10 103101010401-5 59-5
10 470100602-5
10 970010803-5
10 69101001104-5
10 60010101405-5
10 11501001606-5 46-10
160710 11710101030
10 780010180830
10 871010102209-5 8725
2201010 711001055
10 68100102501155
2501210 4510101095
2501310 10901010125
2501410 5610010155
2501510 6510010185
2501610 740010205
2501710 7901010235
10 80101028018235
10 73010030019235
3002010 550010255
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text