2024 ACF Fall at Illinois

Round 3: Northwestern B vs. Purdue C

Northwestern B


Azura Gollamudi5145
Vikas Kothari4135
Timothy Chiu3030
12 bonuses for 190 points (15.83 PPB)

Purdue C


David Nickel6060
Davis Johnson120
David Thomas1010
Anthony Popp000
8 bonuses for 120 points (15 PPB)

Azura GollamudiVikas KothariTimothy ChiuBonusesTotalTUDavid NickelDavis JohnsonDavid ThomasAnthony PoppBonusesTotal
10 6610002010
20210 20010020
10 51100040320
40410 581001050
10 64010060550
10 961010090650
-5 8585710 961010080
85810 520010100
10 9700101059-5 4895
1051010 7401010125
10 47100012511125
10 481001015512125
10 1161001018513-5 111120
1851410 560010140
-5 421801510 10210010170
10 841001021016170
10 790101024017170
10 360101027018170
2701910 740100190
10 560101030020190
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text