2024 ACF Fall at Illinois

Round 2: Indiana A vs. WUSTL B

Indiana A


Elizabeth Bowling2115
Cecilia Anderson000
Trenton Burgess2210
Sanika Iyer4135
8 bonuses for 130 points (16.25 PPB)



Theodor Martin4135
Greta Thrasher000
Sam Hewitt5050
Samay Math2210
11 bonuses for 200 points (18.18 PPB)

Elizabeth BowlingCecilia AndersonTrenton BurgessSanika IyerBonusesTotalTUTheodor MartinGreta ThrasherSam HewittSamay MathBonusesTotal
0110 551001030
0210 801001060
10 43100020360
20410 81101010100
10 9601010505100
50610 560100120
10 10210010807120
10 11210001008-5 46115
-5 6395910 9901010145
10 1100101012510-5 90140
1251110 53101010180
-5 811201210 1110010200
10 860101015013200
10 72010017014200
-5 107165150 124200
10 1081010019516-5 78195
1951710 5210010225
1951810 8610100255
1951910 691000275
-5 601902010 870100295
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text