2024 ACF Fall at Illinois

Round 2: Illinois C vs. Northwestern B

Northwestern B


Timothy Chiu1010
Vikas Kothari2210
Azura Gollamudi8175
11 bonuses for 210 points (19.09 PPB)

Illinois C


Steven Song3030
Galen Song2115
Jack Piros4230
9 bonuses for 160 points (17.78 PPB)

Timothy ChiuVikas KothariAzura GollamudiBonusesTotalTUSteven SongGalen SongJack PirosBonusesTotal
10 103101010401-5 50-5
40210 10610101035
10 87001060335
60410 111010065
-5 10455510 114001085
10 87100075685
10 102101010115785
115810 601000105
10 85010101459-5 68100
-5 751401010 110101010140
10 5410101018011140
10 75001020012140
2001310 9201010170
2001410 640100190
10 12410100230150 124190
2301610 4310010220
10 571010026017220
10 44100028018220
-5 842751910 1090100240
10 870101030520-5 60235
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text