2024 ACF Fall at Ohio State

Round 5: Ohio State C vs. West Virginia B

Ohio State C


Pranet Sirkonda3125
Mohamed Musa1010
Emma Mulligan000
Brady Hagan6250
10 bonuses for 140 points (14 PPB)

West Virginia B


Michaela Ford000
Ryan DiBacco115
Connor Channels5145
Brooke Weiss2115
8 bonuses for 90 points (11.25 PPB)

Pranet SirkondaMohamed MusaEmma MulliganBrady HaganBonusesTotalTUMichaela FordRyan DiBaccoConnor ChannelsBrooke WeissBonusesTotal
10 5500102010
-5 951520 1130
10 53101004530
45410 92010020
10 61100065520
10 57001085620
10 11501010115720
-5 57110810 109001040
110910 83001060
1101010 94010080
10 101010013011-5 4175
10 8000101501275
-5 501451310 10500085
1451410 9410100115
10 491010017515115
1751610 591000135
1751710 5410100165
10 1261010020518165
0 10820519-5 72160
10 89010022520-5 35155
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text