2024 ACF Fall at Ohio State

Round 5: Michigan D vs. Ohio State A

Ohio State A


Joshua Garner3030
Matthew Lam3030
Jacob Goodson3315
Kenny Shaffer2020
11 bonuses for 210 points (19.09 PPB)

Michigan D


Matthew Kelley4040
Zoe Vlamis000
Reed Sexton2115
Carter Pisocky3220
9 bonuses for 160 points (17.78 PPB)

Joshua GarnerMatthew LamJacob GoodsonKenny ShafferBonusesTotalTUMatthew KelleyZoe VlamisReed SextonCarter PisockyBonusesTotal
10 4200102010
20210 1061010030
-5 3915310 51010050
15410 1121010080
10 54001035580
10 780101065680
10 11510100957-5 2775
10 9700101158-5 5070
10 1610100145970
-5 371401010 10910100100
-5 221351110 10101010130
1351210 7201010160
10 7810101017513160
10 9910101021514-5 10155
10 410101024515155
10 951010027516155
2751710 5010100185
2751810 780100205
10 881010030519205
3052010 6401010235
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text