2024 ACF Fall at Ohio State

Round 5: Case Western C vs. Miami-Ohio A

Miami-Ohio A


Evan Davies4040
Jacob Moeller2020
Connor McClelland4040
Lucas Gagen3030
13 bonuses for 220 points (16.92 PPB)

Case Western C


Angelo Pan3220
Varun Ambalavanan1010
Katia Gercheva1010
Oliver Thompson2020
7 bonuses for 110 points (15.71 PPB)

Evan DaviesJacob MoellerConnor McClellandLucas GagenBonusesTotalTUAngelo PanVarun AmbalavananKatia GerchevaOliver ThompsonBonusesTotal
0110 52001020
0210 8010101060
10 42010020360
10 1061010050460
10 59001070560
10 99010101006-5 8755
10 11210010130755
10 7101010160855
10 720100180955
10 10801002001055
2001110 661001085
10 5901002201285
2201310 641000105
2201410 950100125
2201510 560010145
2201610 5810100175
10 6110101026017175
10 68010028018175
10 8910101032019175
10 920101035020-5 38170
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text