2024 ACF Fall at Ohio State

Round 4: Michigan D vs. Ohio State C

Ohio State C


Pranet Sirkonda1010
Mohamed Musa01-5
Emma Mulligan1010
Brady Hagan2020
4 bonuses for 40 points (10 PPB)

Michigan D


Matthew Kelley3030
Zoe Vlamis1010
Reed Sexton2210
Carter Pisocky9280
15 bonuses for 290 points (19.33 PPB)

Pranet SirkondaMohamed MusaEmma MulliganBrady HaganBonusesTotalTUMatthew KelleyZoe VlamisReed SextonCarter PisockyBonusesTotal
0 10301-5 27-5
0210 42100015
0310 69010035
0410 681010065
0510 71101010105
0610 1601010135
10 1170100207-5 45130
20810 80101010170
10 102000309-5 48165
301010 740010185
301110 821000205
301210 491000225
301310 112101010265
10 10100105014-5 29260
501510 341000280
10 17100108016280
801710 4410010310
801810 31101010350
801910 73101010390
-5 62752010 8710100420
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text