2024 ACF Fall at Ohio State

Round 3: Case Western A vs. Jefferson County Scholars

Case Western A


Alan Lee3030
Andrew Stappenbeck2020
Henry Nonnemaker3030
Ruchir Kodihalli2020
10 bonuses for 190 points (19 PPB)

Jefferson County Scholars


Beckett Gilmore9375
Trey Stephens1010
10 bonuses for 190 points (19 PPB)

Alan LeeAndrew StappenbeckHenry NonnemakerRuchir KodihalliBonusesTotalTUBeckett GilmoreTrey StephensBonusesTotal
10 72100103010
30210 561001030
30310 441010060
10 141010060460
60510 960101090
10 11610010906-5 5385
10 10210001107-5 7280
10 851000130880
10 7601010160980
1601010 5610100110
1601110 390100130
10 471001019012130
10 800101022013130
2201410 6310100160
2201510 5210100190
10 1081001025016-5 93185
2501710 6110010215
2501810 5910010245
2501910 3710100275
10 3310101029020275
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text