2024 Chicago Open

Round 11: Charlotte's Moderately Successful Team vs. Lisan al-Quib

Charlotte's Moderately Successful Team


Sinecio Morales10015
Arya Karthik15255
Omkar Marathe0000
7 bonuses for 100 points (14.29 PPB)

Lisan al-Quib


Connor Mayers01010
Naveed Chowdhury11025
Natan Holtzman02115
Stephen Liu03220
8 bonuses for 120 points (15 PPB)

Sinecio MoralesArya KarthikOmkar MaratheBonusesTotalTUConnor MayersNaveed ChowdhuryNatan HoltzmanStephen LiuBonusesTotal
0 149010 1490
15 36101003520
35310 152100020
-5 11030420
15 581010065520
0 146656-5 9815
-5 9360710 13110101055
60810 144010075
10 130100080975
801010 101001095
10 147001010011-5 3790
1001210 12510100120
1001310 1000100140
10 1020101013014140
1301515 470010165
0 147130160 147165
1301710 9910100195
10 133100015018195
10 155100017019-5 87190
0 134170200 134190
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text