2024 Chicago Open

Round 6: Charlotte's Moderately Successful Team vs. genAI this, genAI that, have you found your 真爱 yet

Charlotte's Moderately Successful Team


Omkar Marathe01010
Sinecio Morales01010
Arya Karthik35285
10 bonuses for 130 points (13 PPB)

genAI this, genAI that, have you found your 真爱 yet


Kevin Wang04135
Corry Wang0115
Jason Cheng0115
Richard Yu01010
7 bonuses for 100 points (14.29 PPB)

Omkar MaratheSinecio MoralesArya KarthikBonusesTotalTUKevin WangCorry WangJason ChengRichard YuBonusesTotal
-5 79-510 1260
15 7410002020
10 10810004030
40410 124100020
40510 123100040
0 123406-5 5635
40710 134010055
0 1384080 13855
10 146100060955
601010 135100075
15 5610100951175
10 142001011512-5 12170
10 12200101351370
10 13201001551470
15 79101001901570
10 170100021016-5 11365
-5 1242051710 1531010095
10 142101002351895
2351910 9010100125
0 1512352010 15110100155
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text