2024 ACF Nationals

Round 12: Chicago C vs. Kentucky A

Chicago C


Max Hodes1010
Liam Starnes4135
Dennis Reppen2020
Nermeen Rahman2020
9 bonuses for 100 points (11.11 PPB)

Kentucky A


Andrew Ellis000
Andrew Kelley7165
Cory Smith2020
9 bonuses for 120 points (13.33 PPB)

Max HodesLiam StarnesDennis ReppenNermeen RahmanBonusesTotalTUAndrew EllisAndrew KelleyCory SmithBonusesTotal
0110 148001020
10 1241010030220
30310 62010040
10 141001050540
50610 12600050
-5 10945710 1341010080
45810 13710010110
45910 13410100140
10 1260005510140
10 127010108511140
10 161100010512140
1051310 1160010160
10 129100012514-5 123155
10 132010014515155
1451610 1020100175
10 152010016517175
10 85001018518175
1851910 11610010205
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text