2024 ARCADIA Second Open Online Mirror

Round 2: Boston College A vs. Zen and The Art of Buzzing

Boston College A


James Mangraviti04135
Theodore Benzmiller04135
8 bonuses for 60 points (7.5 PPB)

Zen and The Art of Buzzing


Anh Khoa Tran0240
Shiva Tegulla15160
Brendan Baumer01010
9 bonuses for 120 points (13.33 PPB)

James MangravitiTheodore BenzmillerBonusesTotalTUAnh Khoa TranShiva TegullaBrendan BaumerBonusesTotal
10 12300102010
20210 1141001030
20310 981010060
20410 71010080
10 12300030580
10 123100050680
10 11701010807-5 7575
10 140000908-5 11270
-5 588590 15170
10 1200009510-5 5765
0 1389511-5 8860
951210 119001080
-5 125901310 148101010120
10 1570010110140 157120
1101510 117000130
10 80001013016130
1301715 581000155
1301810 840010175
0 13613019-5 101170
1302010 1220010190
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text