2023 ARCADIA at Duke

Round 4: James Madison A vs. NC State A

James Madison A


Logan Mitchell0000
Addie King001-5
Shannon Dinniman09090
Carly Hemani02020
11 bonuses for 100 points (9.09 PPB)

NC State A


John Nolan02115
Audrey Nolan0000
Lizzie Zudla0000
Andrew Oliphant0000
Dominik Mystkowski05240
Mohamed Elhiber001-5
7 bonuses for 60 points (8.57 PPB)

Logan MitchellAddie KingShannon DinnimanCarly HemaniBonusesTotalTUJohn NolanAudrey NolanLizzie ZudlaAndrew OliphantDominik MystkowskiMohamed ElhiberBonusesTotal
0110 121001020
10 1470100202-5 13415
10 134001040315
10 800101070415
10 146001090515
10 134101001206-5 11710
120710 116001030
0 14312080 14330
-5 105115910 133010050
10 12510001351050
10 1160001451150
1451210 101010070
10 1240001551370
10 10901001751470
0 15117515-5 9065
10 7300101951665
1951710 12600075
10 15000020518-5 9270
2051910 116100090
2052010 1080010110
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text