2023 ARCADIA at Duke

Round 2: Duke A vs. North Carolina B

Duke A


Ivan Stanisavljevic02115
Aditya Sharma06250
Andrea Owusu01010
Koji Bilbao01010
10 bonuses for 110 points (11 PPB)

North Carolina B


Benjamin McAvoy-Bickford270100
9 bonuses for 100 points (11.11 PPB)

Ivan StanisavljevicAditya SharmaAndrea OwusuKoji BilbaoBonusesTotalTUBenjamin McAvoy-BickfordBonusesTotal
10 10900102010
10 109100105020
50310 98010020
10 104010070420
70510 10200030
10 106100090630
90715 440101065
10 109000100865
10 1230010120965
-5 971151010 136001085
-5 881101110 1380100105
10 911001014012105
-5 871351310 1501000125
1351410 1160010145
10 86100015515145
1551615 1801010180
1551810 750010200
10 136001017519200
10 119001019520200
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text