2023 ARCADIA at Duke

Round 2: NC State A vs. North Carolina A

NC State A


John Nolan01010
Audrey Nolan0000
Lizzie Zudla0000
Andrew Oliphant02115
Dominik Mystkowski07070
Mohamed Elhiber10015
11 bonuses for 90 points (8.18 PPB)

North Carolina A


Alice Zhong03030
Vedang Singhal03125
Soham Roychowdhury0000
Jeffrey Austin04135
10 bonuses for 100 points (10 PPB)

John NolanAudrey NolanLizzie ZudlaAndrew OliphantDominik MystkowskiMohamed ElhiberBonusesTotalTUAlice ZhongVedang SinghalSoham RoychowdhuryJeffrey AustinBonusesTotal
0110 121001020
0210 110100040
15 69010025340
25410 123010060
10 136000355-5 11655
35610 125100075
10 107010055775
10 140000658-5 11570
10 1501001095970
951010 113001090
10 11901001151190
10 1250001251390
10 14201001451490
1451510 990010110
1451610 971000130
-5 721401710 1090100150
1401810 1130010170
1401910 1130010190
10 119001016020190
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text