2023 ARCADIA at Maryland

Round 8: Johns Hopkins A vs. Maryland B

Maryland B


Emily Bussa03030
Kevin Liu001-5
Bansi Gogineni0000
Daniel Kim01010
4 bonuses for 30 points (7.5 PPB)

Johns Hopkins A


Sinecio Morales1102105
Elizabeth Jewlal0000
Max Niebur04135
15 bonuses for 220 points (14.67 PPB)

Emily BussaKevin LiuBansi GogineniDaniel KimBonusesTotalTUSinecio MoralesElizabeth JewlalMax NieburBonusesTotal
0110 970101030
0210 720101060
0 12803-5 7555
0415 63010080
10 127001020580
10 11100030680
30710 12101010110
30810 980100130
30910 11401010160
301010 11810100190
10 14300105011-5 115185
10 13601007012-5 49180
701310 1160010200
701410 1490010220
701510 1421000240
701610 1450100260
701710 1290010280
-5 131651810 13301010310
651910 1150010330
652010 8310010360
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text