2023 ARCADIA at Maryland

Round 6: George Washington B vs. Maryland B

Maryland B


Emily Bussa15065
Daniel Kim03030
Kevin Liu1025
Bansi Gogineni0000
10 bonuses for 110 points (11 PPB)

George Washington B


Eva Lettiere02115
Ally Wyers0120
Angier Lei0115
4 bonuses for 40 points (10 PPB)

Emily BussaDaniel KimKevin LiuBansi GogineniBonusesTotalTUEva LettiereAlly WyersAngier LeiBonusesTotal
10 13610002010
20210 129001020
-5 9515320
10 15410100454-5 14815
45510 81001035
0 1394560 13935
10 12700055735
15 47010080835
10 147010010010-5 9930
10 93100101301130
0 13313012-5 12925
-5 1381251310 1401010055
0 1471251555
125160 13055
1251710 11100065
10 12310001451865
15 570001601965
10 124001018020-5 8360
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text