2023 ARCADIA at Emory

Round 8: Georgia A vs. Tennessee A

Tennessee A


Lucas Bollinger0000
Danny Tran0115
William Barnes02020
Alexander Wyrick0000
Alina Moore0000
3 bonuses for 20 points (6.67 PPB)

Georgia A


Jon Golan02020
Aidan Leahy06250
Bob Freedman0115
Alex King14055
14 bonuses for 190 points (13.57 PPB)

Lucas BollingerDanny TranWilliam BarnesAlexander WyrickAlina MooreBonusesTotalTUJon GolanAidan LeahyBob FreedmanAlex KingBonusesTotal
0 13501-5 118-5
10 1310100202-5
20310 1301010025
0 136204-5 12720
20510 12110101060
2060 12260
20710 137010080
20810 870100100
10 1431000409-5 12595
401010 1201000115
401110 15301010145
401215 2510010180
401310 1140010200
10 1510005014200
501510 11501010230
501610 98000240
501710 1091000260
501810 1211000280
501910 991000300
-5 109452010 1321000320
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text