2023 ARCADIA at Emory

Round 4: Georgia A vs. Tennessee A

Tennessee A


Alexander Wyrick04230
William Barnes02020
Danny Tran02020
Lucas Bollinger0000
Alina Moore0000
8 bonuses for 110 points (13.75 PPB)

Georgia A


Aidan Leahy04325
Jon Golan02115
Bob Freedman12035
Alex King02020
11 bonuses for 150 points (13.64 PPB)

Alexander WyrickWilliam BarnesDanny TranLucas BollingerAlina MooreBonusesTotalTUAidan LeahyJon GolanBob FreedmanAlex KingBonusesTotal
0 14101-5 109-5
10 14701010302-5 108-10
30310 117010010
10 120001050410
50510 9610101050
10 1171001080650
10 11610100110750
110810 1431001080
110910 750100100
1101010 9010010130
10 12700012011130
1201210 10701010160
1201310 127000170
10 130010014014-5 86165
-5 871351510 15101010195
1351610 780100215
1351715 46000230
10 1161001016518-5 69225
10 89001018519225
-5 1031802010 1210010245
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text