2023 ARCADIA at Emory

Round 3: Georgia Tech B vs. Georgia Tech D

Georgia Tech B


Tianyu Xu0000
Quentin Mot31150
Sanjay Srihari12130
Darshan Krishnaswamy001-5
7 bonuses for 100 points (14.29 PPB)

Georgia Tech D


Arya Karthik2102120
12 bonuses for 230 points (19.17 PPB)

Tianyu XuQuentin MotSanjay SrihariDarshan KrishnaswamyBonusesTotalTUArya KarthikBonusesTotal
-5 130-5110 1391010030
-5210 740101060
15 68001020360
15 15010045460
45510 750101090
45615 610010115
15 340100707115
70810 87101010155
-5 7265910 10310010185
651015 57101010230
10 131010109511-5 69225
951210 9801010255
951310 1021000275
951410 880100295
951510 10301010325
0 1189516-5 65320
10 901010012517320
-5 671201810 10701010350
10 85010014019350
15 480101017520350
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text