2023 ARCADIA at Emory

Round 3: Georgia A vs. Georgia Tech A

Georgia A


Alex King001-5
Aidan Leahy05145
Bob Freedman02115
Jon Golan001-5
7 bonuses for 80 points (11.43 PPB)

Georgia Tech A


Matthew Sumanen04040
Arunn Sankar15255
Michael Zhou0000
Pranav Jothi0000
10 bonuses for 140 points (14 PPB)

Alex KingAidan LeahyBob FreedmanJon GolanBonusesTotalTUMatthew SumanenArunn SankarMichael ZhouPranav JothiBonusesTotal
-5 132-510 1390
-5 113-10210 151100020
-10310 97010040
10 11810100204-5 4135
10 121010040535
40610 1180101065
10 74001060765
-5 8955810 1461010095
0 131559-5 9390
-5 100501010 12910010120
10 11910007011120
701210 12501010150
701310 1080100170
10 1310008014170
10 850009015170
901715 601000195
10 10910101013018195
1301910 781000215
1302010 1110100235
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text