2023 ARCADIA at Emory

Round 3: Emory A vs. Georgia Tech C

Emory A


Tarun Koti02020
Luke Zhang23155
Cohen Wiegers01010
8 bonuses for 80 points (10 PPB)

Georgia Tech C


Kevin Wang14055
Rohan Dalal02020
Jeffrey Xu01010
Adhav Ravikumar02020
10 bonuses for 180 points (18 PPB)

Tarun KotiLuke ZhangCohen WiegersBonusesTotalTUKevin WangRohan DalalJeffrey XuAdhav RavikumarBonusesTotal
0 139010 1390
0210 76100020
0310 11610101060
-5 76-5410 1181001090
-5510 12410100120
-5610 7501010150
-5710 710010170
-5815 780100195
15 3301010309195
301010 7410010225
10 1350004011225
401210 10201010255
15 5501006513255
10 11710008514255
10 85100010515255
10 94010012516255
10 11700013517255
1351810 11301010285
10 770101016519285
0 142165200 142285
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text