2024 ACF Regionals at Minnesota

Round 4: Iowa State A vs. Minnesota C

Minnesota C


Keegan Wulf2020
Avery Lembke1010
Alexa Noyes000
Yash Vyas120
4 bonuses for 30 points (7.5 PPB)

Iowa State A


Justin Kenny2115
Drew Wetterlind1010
JD Kroth02-10
Conor Thompson6060
Guy Indorante6155
15 bonuses for 250 points (16.67 PPB)

Keegan WulfAvery LembkeAlexa NoyesYash VyasBonusesTotalTUJustin KennyDrew WetterlindJD KrothConor ThompsonGuy IndoranteBonusesTotal
10 129000101-5 101-5
-5 725210 116010015
10 85100025315
25410 1090101045
25510 131010065
10 114000356-5 10860
35710 1041010090
10 13801010658-5 10885
65910 1040010105
651010 11501010135
651110 10110010165
-5 56601210 1080100185
601310 101101010225
601410 890100245
601510 9501010275
601610 13301010305
601710 6910010335
6018-5 74330
601910 13001010360
602010 1020010380
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text