2024 ACF Regionals at Minnesota

Round 3: Iowa State A vs. Minnesota B

Minnesota B


Morgan Bozeman1010
Shardul Rao5335
Joel Miles4230
Nicholas Tunks115
11 bonuses for 200 points (18.18 PPB)

Iowa State A


Guy Indorante4040
Conor Thompson3030
JD Kroth2115
Drew Wetterlind01-5
Justin Kenny000
9 bonuses for 170 points (18.89 PPB)

Morgan BozemanShardul RaoJoel MilesNicholas TunksBonusesTotalTUGuy IndoranteConor ThompsonJD KrothDrew WetterlindJustin KennyBonusesTotal
10 86010103010
30210 640101030
10 810101060330
-5 9655410 1190101060
-5 10850510 145101010100
-5 7845610 13410100130
10 122101010857-5 70125
10 561010101258125
10 10000101459125
10 770101017510125
10 130001019511-5 99120
1951210 9810010150
-5 791901310 1370010170
-5 831851410 1240100190
1851510 8701010220
10 109010020516220
-5 832001710 13901010250
10 840101023018250
10 911001026019250
10 105010028020250
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text