2024 ACF Regionals at Ohio State

Round 8: Cedarville A vs. Ohio State B

Ohio State B


Matthew Lam2020
Luke Serraglio1010
Joshua Garner13-5
Jacob Goodson7165
11 bonuses for 110 points (10 PPB)

Cedarville A


John Gehringer01-5
Johanna Angell01-5
Emmett Bicknell2020
Drew Callander000
2 bonuses for 30 points (15 PPB)

Matthew LamLuke SerraglioJoshua GarnerJacob GoodsonBonusesTotalTUJohn GehringerJohanna AngellEmmett BicknellDrew CallanderBonusesTotal
10 10810002010
-5 811520 1330
10 145000253-5 108-5
-5 822040 116-5
0 1482050 148-5
0 1252060 125-5
10 124000307-5
30810 108010015
-5 4325910 880101045
10 1171000451045
10 123000551145
-5 10250120 13945
10 1270010701345
0 13970140 13945
10 12510101011015-5 4740
10 147010101401640
10 14000101601740
10 104101001901840
0 139190190 13940
10 1310002002040
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text