2024 ACF Regionals at James Madison

Round 11: Duke A vs. North Carolina D

Duke A


Koji Bilbao01010
Ethan Rehder03030
Kevin Jiang0115
Ivan Stanisavljevic04135
9 bonuses for 90 points (10 PPB)

North Carolina D


Vedang Singhal02115
Jeffery Austin05050
Alice Zhong01010
8 bonuses for 80 points (10 PPB)

Koji BilbaoEthan RehderKevin JiangIvan StanisavljevicBonusesTotalTUVedang SinghalJeffery AustinAlice ZhongBonusesTotal
-5 71-5110 121100020
10 87010015220
15310 106010040
10 115010035440
0 1543550 15440
35610 180101070
10 95001055770
10 1200010758-5 10765
75910 13600075
10 101000851075
10 137010101151175
-5 211101210 117001095
10 14901001301495
10 9910001501595
10 12501001701695
1701710 700010115
1701810 1010010135
0 129170190 129135
1702010 1250100155
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text