2023 ARCADIA at Imperial

Round 10: Imperial A vs. Oxford A

Imperial A


Justin Lee12035
Michael Mays24070
Nilai Sarda04040
Enoch Yuen01010
14 bonuses for 210 points (15 PPB)

Oxford A


Oliver Hargrave0000
Omer Keskin12225
Eileen Peng0120
Schuyler Colfax02020
6 bonuses for 120 points (20 PPB)

Justin LeeMichael MaysNilai SardaEnoch YuenBonusesTotalTUOliver HargraveOmer KeskinEileen PengSchuyler ColfaxBonusesTotal
0110 631001030
0210 9610101070
10 8900010370
10 13610100404-5 7965
40515 6910100100
10 9010100706-5 4895
70710 1200100115
10 132101001008115
100910 8701010145
10 1150101013010145
1301110 10201010175
10 80100015012175
10 82100017013175
10 71010019014175
10 10710101023015175
10 1320101026016-5 75170
15 59001028517-5 33165
15 450101032018165
15 36010034519165
10 81100036520165
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text