2023 ARCADIA at Imperial

Round 10: Cambridge B vs. Warwick A

Cambridge B


Rachel Bentham02020
Rose Conway01010
Ben LaFond05145
Iris Creighton01010
9 bonuses for 140 points (15.56 PPB)

Warwick A


Dillon Patel0000
Oscar Siddle12035
Thomas Hart14245
Ben Watson0115
9 bonuses for 150 points (16.67 PPB)

Rachel BenthamRose ConwayBen LaFondIris CreightonBonusesTotalTUDillon PatelOscar SiddleThomas HartBen WatsonBonusesTotal
10 69100103010
0 135302-5 59-5
10 113101010703-5
70410 92010015
70510 12710101055
0 129706-5 4350
10 120010090750
10 860100110850
110910 111001070
10 13101001301070
10 93010101601170
1601215 76010095
1601310 7301010125
10 98100018014125
1801510 841000145
10 132010020016-5 104140
2001715 590010165
10 690101023018165
-5 1162251910 13501010195
2252010 111101010235
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text