2023 ARCADIA at Imperial

Round 8: Cambridge B vs. Durham A

Cambridge B


Rachel Bentham03030
Rose Conway0000
Ben LaFond06060
Iris Creighton0000
9 bonuses for 110 points (12.22 PPB)

Durham A


Kai Madgwick02020
Sam Moore01010
Aisling Skeet02020
Michael Kohn04230
9 bonuses for 180 points (20 PPB)

Rachel BenthamRose ConwayBen LaFondIris CreightonBonusesTotalTUKai MadgwickSam MooreAisling SkeetMichael KohnBonusesTotal
0110 820101030
0210 710101060
10 78001020360
10 80010040460
40510 101101010100
40610 9410010130
40710 1020010150
40810 11810100180
40910 98101010220
10 117101007010220
701110 880010240
7012-5 23235
10 911010010013235
10 980101013014235
10 101001015015235
0 14515016-5 130230
10 127100017017230
10 7400018018230
1801910 11410100260
10 126010020020260
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text