2023 ARCADIA at Imperial

Round 8: Bristol A vs. Cambridge A

Bristol A


Kevin Flanagan03220
James Byrne0000
Kay Riess0000
Ted Warner0115
4 bonuses for 50 points (12.5 PPB)

Cambridge A


Linus Luu0115
Brendan Bethlehem04135
Agnijo Banerjee03030
Sam Foo15160
14 bonuses for 280 points (20 PPB)

Kevin FlanaganJames ByrneKay RiessTed WarnerBonusesTotalTULinus LuuBrendan BethlehemAgnijo BanerjeeSam FooBonusesTotal
-5 100-510 1220
-5210 1250101030
0 128-53-5 6425
-5410 970101055
10 12401010255-5 4050
-5 7220610 1391010080
20710 102101010120
10 811000408120
40910 9801010150
401015 4610100185
401110 131101010225
10 13510006012-5 101220
601310 10210010250
-5 98551410 15110100280
551510 10101010310
551610 14501010340
10 12810007517340
751810 1060100360
751910 8001010390
752010 1450100410
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text