2023 ARCADIA at Imperial

Round 2: Edinburgh A vs. Imperial A

Imperial A


Enoch Yuen02020
Nilai Sarda13045
Michael Mays12035
Justin Lee32160
14 bonuses for 260 points (18.57 PPB)

Edinburgh A


James Carrigy11120
Ben Russell Jones13235
6 bonuses for 80 points (13.33 PPB)

Enoch YuenNilai SardaMichael MaysJustin LeeBonusesTotalTUJames CarrigyBen Russell JonesBonusesTotal
0110 1030101030
15 561001035230
15 69010060330
60415 3910101075
15 430101095575
95610 8400085
95715 590100110
10 101101001258110
10 126100101559-5 95105
10 78001017510105
10 138010019511-5 88100
15 67001022012100
15 6810101026513100
10 1050101029514-5 9695
10 10310003151595
-5 1183101610 1410010115
10 9410101035017115
10 801001038018115
3801910 710010135
10 8110101042020135
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text