2023 Penn Bowl at North Carolina

Round 4: North Carolina A vs. North Carolina B

North Carolina A


Vedang Singhal02020
Vincent Du18190
Diego Almaraz0000
11 bonuses for 200 points (18.18 PPB)

North Carolina B


Jim Fan14245
Graham Troy02020
Eric Gunter001-5
Michael Eng01010
8 bonuses for 150 points (18.75 PPB)

Vedang SinghalVincent DuDiego AlmarazBonusesTotalTUJim FanGraham TroyEric GunterMichael EngBonusesTotal
0110 1091001030
10 12910010302-5 7525
10 130010050325
10 95001070425
10 5901010100525
100610 113010045
10 720010120745
10 8110010150845
10 6910100180945
18010-5 10940
10 76010102101140
15 521010102551240
2551310 730101070
-5 802501410 11810100100
2501510 11101010130
10 1270101028016-5 94125
2801710 7210100155
2801815 8201010190
2801910 7601010220
10 841010031020220
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text