2023 ARCADIA at Ohio State

Round 10: Kenyon A vs. Kenyon B

Kenyon A


Aidan Jordan03125
Iris Pardue04040
Noah Dean03220
Owen Brown01010
11 bonuses for 160 points (14.55 PPB)

Kenyon B


Casey Watkins03125
Ethan Blake013-5
Chloe Meyer-Gehrke0000
Margaret Eagan01010
5 bonuses for 60 points (12 PPB)

Aidan JordanIris PardueNoah DeanOwen BrownBonusesTotalTUCasey WatkinsEthan BlakeChloe Meyer-GehrkeMargaret EaganBonusesTotal
10 69100103010
0 137302-5 30-5
10 13501010603-5
-5 10655410 120010015
55510 134010035
10 12910100856-5 3030
-5 10780810 142100050
10 13500101009-5 9045
10 11501001201045
10 88101001501145
0 142150120 14245
10 101010101801345
10 13100019014-5 8440
10 11610002101540
-5 108205160 13240
2051710 127100060
10 7101002251860
10 125100102551960
2552010 1050101090
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text