2023 ARCADIA at Ohio State

Round 10: Michigan A vs. Ohio State B

Ohio State B


Arthur Stadlin03125
Jacob Goodson02020
Chase Holm0000
Matthew Lam0000
5 bonuses for 90 points (18 PPB)

Michigan A


Subhamitra Banerjee Roychoudhury03030
Yashwanth Bajji12510
James Stevenson14055
Biyang Zhang12035
14 bonuses for 240 points (17.14 PPB)

Arthur StadlinJacob GoodsonChase HolmMatthew LamBonusesTotalTUSubhamitra Banerjee RoychoudhuryYashwanth BajjiJames StevensonBiyang ZhangBonusesTotal
0115 33001025
10 137101010402-5 6520
40310 981010050
-5 6035410 1251010080
35515 6401010115
35610 911000135
35710 150101010175
35810 1070100195
35910 112101010235
10 142010106510-5 49230
10 1620007511-5 140225
751210 1181000245
751310 891000265
10 11310101011514265
0 12611515-5 45260
1151610 890010280
1151710 125101010320
1151810 9901010350
1151915 710010375
10 130010013520-5 46370
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text