2023 ARCADIA at Ohio State

Round 8: Kenyon A vs. Ohio State B

Ohio State B


Arthur Stadlin03030
Jacob Goodson03030
Chase Holm0000
Matthew Lam0000
6 bonuses for 60 points (10 PPB)

Kenyon A


Aidan Jordan05145
Iris Pardue02115
Noah Dean02115
Owen Brown03030
12 bonuses for 160 points (13.33 PPB)

Arthur StadlinJacob GoodsonChase HolmMatthew LamBonusesTotalTUAidan JordanIris PardueNoah DeanOwen BrownBonusesTotal
10 8000102010
20210 1220101030
0 1282030 12830
20410 99001050
10 111010040550
40610 103001070
10 1471000607-5 10865
60810 93001085
10 1380100809-5 5680
801010 1400100100
10 1421010011011-5 10895
1101210 1210010115
1101310 10310100145
0 151110140 151145
10 14100012015145
0 1451201610 14501010175
0 1291201710 12910100205
1201810 1150100225
1201910 930100245
1202010 1470100265
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text