2023 ARCADIA at Ohio State

Round 8: Kenyon B vs. Michigan B

Michigan B


Adam Monusko12035
Dennis Yang26185
Kevin Zheng02020
13 bonuses for 140 points (10.77 PPB)

Kenyon B


Casey Watkins05050
Ethan Blake0000
Chloe Meyer-Gehrke0000
Freya Beinart10015
6 bonuses for 90 points (15 PPB)

Adam MonuskoDennis YangKevin ZhengBonusesTotalTUCasey WatkinsEthan BlakeChloe Meyer-GehrkeFreya BeinartBonusesTotal
15 6200102510
10 123100105520
10 12800107530
10 8001009540
15 800101013050
130615 61100025
130710 147001045
130810 831010075
-5 54125910 13801010105
10 1401010015510105
10 14300016511105
15 26010019012105
10 108001021013105
0 151210140 151105
10 140001023015105
2301610 13210010135
10 1290100250170 129135
10 11000026018135
2601910 1180100155
10 148001028020155
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text