2023 ARCADIA at Ohio State

Round 2: Kenyon B vs. Ohio State B

Ohio State B


Arthur Stadlin02115
Jacob Goodson06250
Chase Holm0000
Matthew Lam02115
10 bonuses for 90 points (9 PPB)

Kenyon B


Casey Watkins06060
Ethan Blake02020
Margaret Eagan0000
Freya Beinart0000
8 bonuses for 80 points (10 PPB)

Arthur StadlinJacob GoodsonChase HolmMatthew LamBonusesTotalTUCasey WatkinsEthan BlakeMargaret EaganFreya BeinartBonusesTotal
0110 126001020
-5 67-5210 1241001050
10 1371010025350
10 74010045450
45510 120001070
45610 12600080
-5 1074070 10780
10 1080101070880
10 15100080980
801010 12300090
-5 11575110 13890
-5 65701210 1330010110
10 14901009013110
10 10800010014110
10 13200011015110
1101610 970010130
10 105100013017130
1301810 11901010160
10 116001015019160
10 139001017020160
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text