2023 ARCADIA at Texas

Round 4: Texas A vs. Texas B

Texas A


Athena Shadden02020
Ryan Humphrey04135
Chinmay Murthy11120
Jisoo Yoo13235
12 bonuses for 230 points (19.17 PPB)

Texas B


Owen Gilroy05145
Kevin Liu0000
Parker Knudson0000
Viraj Negandhi01010
6 bonuses for 70 points (11.67 PPB)

Athena ShaddenRyan HumphreyChinmay MurthyJisoo YooBonusesTotalTUOwen GilroyKevin LiuParker KnudsonViraj NegandhiBonusesTotal
15 22010103510
15 5601006020
10 10700108030
10 760101011040
0 1461105-5 103-5
-5 78105610 1340005
10 821010013575
10 14310101017585
-5 71170910 13310101045
-5 801651010 137100065
10 116010101951165
1951210 116010085
1951310 1240100105
1951410 750100125
-5 3919015125
10 1021001022016125
10 1230101025017125
10 661001028018125
10 891010031019125
10 1080101034020125
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text