2023 ARCADIA at Texas

Round 2: Texas A vs. Texas C

Texas C


Gia Harvey-Slager0000
Vince Ingersoll0000
Kion You12320
3 bonuses for 30 points (10 PPB)

Texas A


Chinmay Murthy15065
Athena Shadden02115
Ryan Humphrey04040
Jisoo Yoo23060
17 bonuses for 310 points (18.24 PPB)

Gia Harvey-SlagerVince IngersollKion YouBonusesTotalTUChinmay MurthyAthena ShaddenRyan HumphreyJisoo YooBonusesTotal
0110 930101030
0210 85100050
0310 921010080
0415 5010100115
-5 67-5510 13701010145
-5610 12510100175
-5715 3501010210
-5810 13010100240
-5910 1200010260
10 9600101510260
151110 119101010300
151210 10010010330
151315 6810100365
151410 11801010395
151510 941000415
10 14100103516-5 80410
351710 940010430
-5 80301810 1270010450
-5 73251910 136101010490
15 2601005020490
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text