2023 Penn Bowl at Penn

Round 3: Columbia A vs. Rutgers A

Rutgers A


Aiden Dartley02020
Aum Mundhe02115
Lexi Terman03220
7 bonuses for 140 points (20 PPB)

Columbia A


Cooper Roh12130
Moses Kitakule13235
Forrest Weintraub31055
John John Groger02020
13 bonuses for 240 points (18.46 PPB)

Aiden DartleyAum MundheLexi TermanBonusesTotalTUCooper RohMoses KitakuleForrest WeintraubJohn John GrogerBonusesTotal
0115 580101035
10 11510100302-5 8430
10 111100050330
10 12301010804-5 5225
80510 121100045
80615 4710101090
10 105101010120790
10 1290010140890
140910 111101010130
-5 441351010 13701010160
1351110 92101010200
1351210 9810010230
10 1291010016513-5 85225
-5 1231601410 13901010255
1601515 5701010290
-5 891551610 1290100310
1551710 9501010340
1551815 121000365
10 1060101018519365
1852015 400010390
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text