2023 Penn Bowl at Penn

Round 2: Columbia B vs. RIT A



Cade Reinberger03315
3 bonuses for 20 points (6.67 PPB)

Columbia B


Jack Rado23345
William Groger12035
Geoffrey Wu11025
Jason Qin13235
14 bonuses for 200 points (14.29 PPB)

Cade ReinbergerBonusesTotalTUJack RadoWilliam GrogerGeoffrey WuJason QinBonusesTotal
10 128000101-5 97-5
-5 1325210 136001015
5310 10400025
5415 721010060
5510 129010080
5615 4701010115
10 1341000257-5 58110
0 134258-5 86105
25915 481000130
-5 13220100 133130
10 13210004011-5 76125
0 1354012-5 97120
401315 5210010155
401410 840010175
401510 930100195
401610 13501010225
-5 109351710 12201010255
351815 42101010300
351910 811000320
352010 1000010340
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text