2023 Penn Bowl at Penn

Round 1: John Jay A vs. Swarthmore A

John Jay A


Jerry Vinokurov1102105
11 bonuses for 140 points (12.73 PPB)

Swarthmore A


Alex Shi01010
Ben Rotko0235
Jasmine Bao12130
Armaan Sheik0000
6 bonuses for 50 points (8.33 PPB)

Jerry VinokurovBonusesTotalTUAlex ShiBen RotkoJasmine BaoArmaan SheikBonusesTotal
10 1020001010
10215 61100025
10 120010030325
15 52010055425
10 12701010855-5 11120
10 10210010115620
10 129100013570 12920
135810 136001040
0 1241359-5 11135
-5 711301010 120001055
1301110 8700065
0 147130120 14765
10 146001015013-5 13160
10 141101001801460
1801510 114001080
10 8610002001680
10 1461001023017-5 5875
-5 75225180 12375
0 1252251910 125100095
10 12301002452095
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text