2023 Penn Bowl at Harvard

Round 10: Boston College A vs. MIT A



Nathan Sheffield12035
Katherine Lei04230
Caleb Zhao32065
Rodrigo Rose0115
13 bonuses for 200 points (15.38 PPB)

Boston College A


James Mangraviti03030
Theodore Benzmiller002-10
Alexander Nassar0000
Robin Lee01010
4 bonuses for 30 points (7.5 PPB)

Nathan SheffieldKatherine LeiCaleb ZhaoRodrigo RoseBonusesTotalTUJames MangravitiTheodore BenzmillerAlexander NassarRobin LeeBonusesTotal
-5 141-510 1470
15 53010103020
10 1310010503-5 72-5
50410 95100015
10 9010101090515
-5 12685610 13500025
10 10710100115725
115810 91100045
10 950100135945
10 77010101651045
-5 122160110 13845
10 9600101801245
15 4801002051345
0 13320514-5 11940
2051510 114001060
10 146101002351660
15 6100102601760
15 5000102851860
10 1040002951960
10 1211010103352060
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text